Turns out that is WAS worth it afterall to have the dogs miserable and wet on Friday night as we had some successes at the show on Sat. Kinta misbehaved in the 'challenge' run off so only pulled of a RBCC (reserve challenge - no points).... Summer, Leo's half sister (the Ben x Skye litter I went to see in Oct last year) received the challenge, which is no mean feat for a minor pup!!! The markings between Summer and Leo are very similar - we were comparing them yesterday and they *do* look like two peas in a pod in some ways and so very different in others ;). Jezza, Leo's 1/2 brother was also at the show (Shona x Sully litter - Ana's Oct litter) and again, he is so similar to Leo in characteristics - a fun loving, laid back clown ;).
It was a fun day out, but boy - was it l-o-n-g, with a capital L! Judging started at 9am, but we didn't start packing up intil 4pm! Put it this way - at lunch (12:30ish) they were only judging GSD's so I went out to get some lunch (don't like what they have at the showgrounds) - by the time I came back.... they were *still* judging GSDs!!!
I was very proud of Miss K - she behaved liked she should in group and....... pulled off her 1st PUPPY IN GROUP award! Yipee!!!! LOL. Then - I thought she was getting a 'look at' for 'in show' - until the judge appointed the Grey next to us for 'puppy in show' *g*. All in all - she settled down in the afternoon and was very well behaved. It was also the first time we returned to the showgrounds since her 'scare' with the Bullmastiff and that seems to be all in the past. She was very exuberant, very confident and just plain silly ;). To top the day off, Kinta's 1/2 brother 'Cricket' (same sire) was awarded BEST IN GROUP which was a huge thrill ;). So I guess it was a day for 'Dash' (K's Sire) babies :D.
On a side note - never again am I not going to walk her though ;). We got home so late on Saturday and I figured since she had been out all day it wouldn't *really* matter if she and Leo didn't have their afternoon ramble..... hmmm... take her to obedience on Sunday and she was just plain feral! This girl has waaay too much energy than she knows what to do with. Barking at everyone ("I'm here, pay attention to ME! Don't take Leo.... take ME!!!!") and anything just to get attention, absolutely FERAL off lead when we let them have a run, but I guess in her favour she was very responsive ;). She was good in class though and I was most impressed with her work and enthusiasm (agian, she had re-gained her confidence in class!!!). So I guess I can't stay too cross at her ;).
Leo had his first go in Open yesterday (practice ring) and it probably was a little more 'formal' than I should have run him through, but in hindsight it was probably a good idea to do it this way so that we know where we are at, what we need to work on etc. Well, after 3 weeks of no training, Leo was super keen to come back into it again and although his heeling was a little less refined, his enthusiasm couldn't be faulted. The first time he did the retrieve over the jump and he did it perfectly ;)! But it did point out things we need to work on:
*Left turns - still messy - back to refining this again
*polishing up heelwork again
*DOR - getting a nice fast *drop* without anticipation - I have been a little skeptical about putting this together as the first time I ever did (with lots of drop practice with 2 toys, informal stuff etc), he did it perfectly, then the next 'straight' recall he anticipated *rolls eyes* - maybe it was coz he wasn't sure but I am very aware of it and might practice with 2 recalls in the ring - 1 straight and one DOR - varying which comes first etc....
*D/B - having difficulty building speed OUT to the d/b - he is fine coming back, pickup is clean etc, present beaut... but the d/b is 'dead' and therefore not worth a full out 'charge' to get it ;). We have tried a few things, but doesn't seem to build up the enthusiasm enough - so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
*Broad jump - as expected - cuts a little so we have bars on one end to stop that - but i'm also going to train a 'straight' jump (over - throw toy straight out) so that he doesn't cut as much
*change of position - the 'sit' - he will creep forward MAJORLY which I knew he would. So, like I did with the drop, I'm going to change the command to get a nice 'rise' up.... *Bows down to Sarah and worships the ground she walks on* VBG!
Another interesting Kinta finding - as you know - she is definately no longer a *reserved* Aussie when it comes to meeting people in public (stranger, what stranger??). She is absolutely lovable and kisses and cuddles for anyone who dares look at her ;). Even men & kids now :D. BUT here is the interesting thing - she is definately more 'reserved' at home - which is fine as that is her 'territory' etc. Usually she will 'stop' barking when I tell her that 'enough is enough'.... however anyone she met in the first 2 weeks of her staying at our place (with the exception of people she met on the first day - Kylie and Sarah) she will keep up the barking/ carrying on. Is she 'reserved' of them - I don't think so as she will readily go up for pats - she just wants to have her say (my house etc).... bring her inside to say 'hi' - all cuddles and kisses - they come outside "barwoowoowoo"..... I wonder if it is connected and she 'remembers' the feeling of insecurity? It has me stumped as I certianly don't want her to continue the behaviour yet i'm not going to 'scold' her for it, particularly if it is happening out of the 'memory banks' - ie: remembers the first time she saw them and remembers feeling insecure..... who knows?! But interesting none-the-less.
Well - to finish it off.... some piccies of my now 11mth old winner ;)
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